Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have A Vision

Imagine the way you want your life to be think about it keep the thought in your mind every day. A good rule of thumb is to visual at least 30 minutes a day and we all know that practice makes perfect. So plan to visual every day for 30 life changing minutes. Keep that thought in mind as in "Think and Grow Rich" You will get no more and no less than what you visualize. The only way to chang your world is by thinking. Your conscious mind is the tool you use to get what you want, place your focus on your vision and "Think and Grow Rich". Remember thought is cause, physical is effect. My fovorit author is Napoleon Hill who wrote a book title "Think and Grow Rich" and if you really want to experience the power of "Think and Grow Rich" please read this book he is truely a master of the mind. His thirteen steps to riches are like a road map to individual achievement. One just needs to organize and apply the knowledge. We know that success is not a destination it is a journey. Most of us have begun the journey it is time to apply the knowlege and attain success.

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